308 E. Madison - 5 Bedroom House for Rent In Ann Arbor, MI | ListingID 948
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5 Bedroom

5 bdrm / 3 bath
308 E. Madison
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
$3,095 (rented)
This is our only May lease. A terrific house with a covered front porch. The house features spacious bedrooms and can be comfortable for six people easliy. There are three bedrooms on the second floor, one bedroom with a private bath on the first floor and a study, bedroom and bath in the basement - We hope you'll agree that a five bedroom, three bath house is a rarity - please check out this excellent value! Estimated square footage.

308 E. Madison is a gray, Dutch Colonial single family home. The hosue is located between Division and Fifth Ave. (just west of the intersection of Division and Packard.

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