Yugo West Lafayette River Market at 221 E State St - 1 Bedroom Sublease In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 77236
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1 Bedroom Sublease

1 (out of 2) bdrm / 1 bath

Yugo West Lafayette River Market

221 E State St
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Available 8/17/2025 - 7/31/2026.
Can be male or female.

The current listing price of my room (bedroom #2 in floorplan photo) is $1149/month (I signed at $1109). This is a re-let (transfer of ownership) rather than a sublease and the security deposit I paid ($200) will be transferred to you, so as long as nothing is damaged at the end of the lease you will receive an extra $200. I have not lived in the apartment yet and you can fill out a roommate matching form to find a roommate. The apartment only accepts students as residents. This apartment community is located above Silver Dipper, Dagu Rice Noodle, Dakshin, Happy China, etc and is 4 minute walk from a bus stop. It's also a 5-10 minute walk to downtown West Lafayette and a 12 minute walk to Krannert. Contact me if you're looking for more information/photos or if you're interested!

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