Wilbury Studio at 281 S Salisbury St - Studio / Efficiency Sublease In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 77183
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Studio / Efficiency Sublease

Studio / Efficiency

Wilbury Studio

281 S Salisbury St
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Available 9/16/2024 - 7/25/2025.
Can be male or female.
Hi, I am looking for someone to take over my lease (Spring 2025, but it is available now since I have dropped out of grad school). It's a studio apartment located at the Wilbury Studio (a Muinzer property, 281 S Salisbury St). It is in Chauncey area, which is close to campus. The rent after tax and fees is about $1082 per month. I have furnished the apartment. It comes with some other things I added as well: Electric height-adjustable desk with comfortable chair Queen bed Floor lamp, futon, coffee table, and a bit of other furniture and decor. Kitchen stuff (pans, plates, bowls, knives, utensils, etc) It comes with a small balcony. Electricity and internet are through Duke Energy and MetroNet. I'm willing to negotiate the offer. I have already been paying rent starting May 2024, so you will only need to cover it through April 2025 once you take over.

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