320 S Grant St #201 at 320 S Grant St #201 - 1 Bedroom Sublease In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 77103
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1 Bedroom Sublease

1 bdrm / 1 bath

320 S Grant St #201

West Lafayette, IN 47906
Available 8/1/2024 - 7/23/2025.
Can be male or female.
We need to re-lease this property as we won't be using it in the fall. We can NOT show this property as we don't have access to it (the lease starts in Aug.) First payment is due 6-1-24 and final is 5-1-25, move in available 8-1-24. This is a one bed, one bath apartment. https://matterport.com/discover/space/cY5Khf8wegc <- link to 3-D virtual tour.

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