Uptown West at 705 N 5th St #8 - Studio / Efficiencystudio Listing Apartment for Rent In Lafayette, IN | ListingID 75972
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Studio / Efficiency

Uptown West

705 N 5th St #8
Lafayette, IN 47901
The Max Occupancy is 2.

It is Pet Friendly.

It needs Secured Entry.

Internet: This apartment supports fiber, which means you can use the very cheap and fast internet.

If you are interested in this studio please give me a call or text me 3344920457
Distance from campus: It is very close to the campus. For example, it is only 1.2 miles from the engineering school. If you want to walk to the school, it will take about 25 minutes from the apartment to the campus. If you drive, it takes about 5 minutes from the apartment to the campus.

Transportation: The bus is free for all the students, and the bus service is very good. The bus stop is only one and a half minute away from the apartment, which means it is very convenient for you to go shopping or go to campus by bus.

Shopping: The village panty is about 1 minute away from the apartment. If you would like to go to Walmart or target you can go to the bus stop to take bus.


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