Campus City at 2920 Horizon Dr - 2 Bedroom2 / 2 Listing Townhouse for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 75468
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2 / 2 Listing

2 bdrm / 2 bath

Campus City

2920 Horizon Dr
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Spacious two-bedroom townhome, located off Klondike Road and US Highway 52 West. The apartments are complete with over-sized bedrooms, washer and dryer, ample storage space throughout, and a large living room with patio. Pets friendly. Close to Klondike middle school and Meijer, on bus route 4B Purdue West, 8, and 24. This will be a new lease signed with the management company.

See link for photos and further description.

Spacious two-bedroom townhome, located off Klondike Road and US Highway 52 West. The apartments are complete with over-sized bedrooms, washer and dryer, ample storage space throughout, and a large living room with patio. Pets friendly. Close to Klondike middle school and Meijer, on bus route 4B Purdue West, 8, and 24.

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