245 Connolly at 245 Connolly St - 1 Bedroom3 / 1 Listing House for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 74982
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3 / 1 Listing

1 (out of 3) bdrm / 1 bath

245 Connolly

245 Connolly St
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Myself and one other roommate are looking for a third roommate from now until the end of July 2020. The room is approximately 105 sq. ft and is not furnished. The house has a full kitchen with a dishwasher, a washer/dryer, central air, a driveway/street parking, and plenty of storage spaces. Rent is $400/mo, and utilities are not included (typically they will add another $70 - $120 per month per person depending on the season).

Full house on quiet residential road in West Lafayette

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