Jasmine Court at Jasmine Court - 2 Bedroom4 / 2 Listing House for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 74902
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4 / 2 Listing

2 (out of 3) bdrm / 3 bath

Jasmine Court

West Lafayette, IN 47906
individual lease rent:
$500 per bedroom

Looking for housemate. Two floor house, you would get your own bedroom. In total would have 3 people living there. About 11 minutes away from campus by car. 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, washer/dryer , 2 car garage, kitchen, living room, and central heating and cooling. Rent is $500 per month including gigabit internet (wired and wireless), sewage, and trash. Electric, gas and water will be split among the housemates. No smoking.

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