Cherry Hill at 1428 Northwestern Ave - 5 Bedroom5 / 3 Listing House for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 72292
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5 / 3 Listing

5 bdrm / 3 bath

Cherry Hill

1428 Northwestern Ave
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Rent Price varies depending on number of people in the house, which room you are in, and if you share the room with a roommate. There are currently 6 males living in the house, all of which attend Purdue.

3 story House: Basement has kitchen, bathroom with shower, and plenty of living space. Identical top and main floors, with two bedrooms, full kitchen, living room, full bathroom with shower/bathtub. Garage used as storage for bikes and other items, not used for parking. Relatively private property with front and back yard, fire-pit in the backyard.

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