The Sophia at 80 Bridgewater Ct - Studio / Efficiency Condo for Rent In Lafayette, IN | ListingID 71610
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Studio / Efficiency

The Sophia

80 Bridgewater Ct
Lafayette, IN 47909
All Electric...Elegant Condo living with many amenities, yard work and landscaping included. Cathedral ceilings, stainless appliances, and washer and dryers in each home. Central heating and cooling systems, storage unit included. Large open living with bar top and dining area. New Cabinets look amazing! Tile back splash. MUST SEE!!!

All Electric...Elegant Condo living with many amenities, yard work and landscaping included. Cathedral ceilings, stainless appliances, and washer and dryers in each home. Central heating and cooling systems, storage unit included. Large open living with bar top and dining area. New Cabinets look amazing! Tile back splash. MUST SEE!!!

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