1603 Norcross Way - 4 Bedroom House for Rent In Lafayette, IN | ListingID 5911
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4 Bedroom

4 bdrm / 2 bath
1603 Norcross Way
Lafayette, IN 47909
The kitchen is equipped with a refrigerator, stove/oven, microwave, garbage disposal and dishwasher. There is a laundry room with a washer and dryer included.

You will find lots of space to store, study, and play. The living room is large and this home has a study/den along with a bonus room.

This is a lovely two story 4 Bedroom and 2.5 bathroom home with a covered front porch and inside foyer located in the Valley Forge Subdivision. Its private driveway leads to a 2.5 car garage. There is also a fenced in backyard.

Tenants are responsible for all utilities and maintaining the lawn and snow removal.

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