APPLE at 1160 Anthrop Dr - 1 Bedroom Apartment for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 5827
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1 Bedroom

1 bdrm / 1 bath


1160 Anthrop Dr
West Lafayette, IN 47906
These spacious one beds are perfect for the student who likes to have their own space for a great price and still be close to campus. APPLE features large living areas, a washer/dryer in every unit, plenty of storage, and the perfect location thats close to campus as well as restaurants, shops, and entertainment. Call Granite Management TODAY! 765.269.7283

APPLE is conveniently located just over a mile from campus and contains 33 one-bedroom apartments and one studio. These apartments are perfect for the grad student or undergraduate who wants to be close but also enjoys having some peace and quiet.

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