Salem Courthouse at 3008 Courthouse Dr E - Studio / Efficiencystudio Listing Apartment for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 56102
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Studio / Efficiency

Salem Courthouse

3008 Courthouse Dr E
West Lafayette, IN 47906
2 bedroom/1 bath apartment available to sub-lease from March 3 - June 30. The rent is 820.00 per month and must qualify with the leasing office. If you qualify to take over the lease March stay will be free leaving only 3 months of rent to pay. The sofa and kitchen table/chairs will be free if needed. This is a very nice second floor apartment with a balcony off the living/kitchen area Call Jimmy at 314-409-1673 or email [email protected]

2 bedroom/1 bath apartment available to sub-lease from March 3 - June 30. The rent is 820.00 per month and must qualify with the leasing office. If you qualify to take over the lease March stay will be free leaving only 3 months of rent to pay. The sofa and kitchen table/chairs will be free if needed. This is a very nice second floor apartment with a balcony off the living/kitchen area

Call Jimmy at 314-409-1673 or email [email protected]

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