3403 Wyndham Way - 2 Bedroom House for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 5518
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2 Bedroom

2 bdrm / 1 bath
3403 Wyndham Way
West Lafayette, IN 47906
2 BR. Full of natural light! 10 ft. ceilings, view over pond, large patio, dishwasher, microwave, washer/dryer, central heat and AC. This apartment is part of a red brick four-plex in a wonderful neighborhood of duplexes and a few other four-plexes. Located behind Klondike schools, with access to track, ball fields, playgrounds. Super location is convenient to grocery stores, banks, library, Purdue, etc. On CitiBus line. Available August. 427-3208

2 Bedroom with view overlooking pond

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