3 Bedroom

3 bdrm / 2 bath

3178 Stratus Ct

3178 Stratus Ct
West Lafayette, IN 47906

It is a large 1500 square foot house located right next door to College Station Apartments. 2 story, 3 bedroom, 2 ½ bath located in a quiet neighborhood, large yard, patio, 2 car attached garage, central air, dishwasher, washer/dryer. Short 4 minute drive to campus, bus route is within walking distance. Very clean, carpeted, has all appliances. The house is not furnished but some furnishing is available only upon request. The entire house is for rent - it is ideal for graduate students, families, and other professionals. Past tenants have been graduate students, post-docs and professionals so the house is very well maintained. Please contact owner for questions: 917-697-0340