2 Langdon St. - 2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent In Madison, WI | ListingID 513
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2 Bedroom

2 bdrm / 1 bath
2 Langdon St.
Madison, WI 53703
(Available for now and fall.) This building offers a wide array of charming efficiencies, 1-bedrooms, 1-bedrooms with lofts and 2-bedrooms. The efficiencies and one-bedrooms radiate character with many different layouts to choose from. Some offer wood floors, high ceilings, ceiling fan, skylight, large windows, a lake view and a faux fireplace. Check out our comfortably priced 2-bedrooms, which can accommodate up to three persons. Choose from many different floor plans--some with wood floors, newer carpeting, ceiling fans and a lake view. Limited no-cost furnishings may be available--ask for details. We also have on-site coin-operated laundry. Great location! Just blocks from the campus and Capitol. For further details call us at (608) 255-8633 or at the Roundhouse office (608) 255-6169.

Next to the Edgewater.
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