2817 South St - 3 Bedroom House for Rent In Lafayette, IN | ListingID 3939
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3 Bedroom

3 bdrm / 2 bath
2817 South St
Lafayette, IN 47905
3 bedrooms, 2 full baths. Washer/dryer in unfinished basement (not coined operated). Hardwood floors in living room, bedrooms. Built-in dishwasher, eat-in kitchen.Ceiling fans, hardwood floors and walk-in closet for each bedroom. Small yard, one-car garage, off street parking. City bus route to campus. Tenants pay gas, electric.

3 large bedrooms, each with walk-in closets, hardwood floors, and ceiling fans. 2 full baths. Washer/dryer in basement (not coin operated). one-car garage. Off street parking. Hardwood floors in living room. Dining room and eat-in kitchen, built-in dishwasher. City bus route to campus. Tenants pay gas and electric. Landlord pays water, sewage, and trash. Pet friendly.

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