Commercial Brokers at 428 South Chauncey Avenue - 2 Bedroom2 / 2 Listing Apartment for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 37189
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2 / 2 Listing

2 bdrm / 2 bath

Commercial Brokers

428 South Chauncey Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47906
A 2 BHK apartment is available for rent on 428 S Chauncey. The apartment is in a prime location which is only 0.6 of a mile from the Purdue Memorial Union. The apartment can be taken up by a family or students at Purdue. Accommodation for a single person can also be thought about. The rent is $920 and it includes trash, water, sewage, lawn mowing, snow removal and storm water fee. The apartment has a balcony as well and is located in a serene environment. Interested people are requested to only call on the cell phone number provided

A 2 BHK apartment is available for rent on 428 S Chauncey. The apartment is in a prime location which is only 0.6 of a mile from the Purdue Memorial Union. The apartment can be taken up by a family or students at Purdue. Accommodation for a single person can also be thought about. The rent is $920 and it includes trash, water, sewage, lawn mowing, snow removal and storm water fee. The apartment has a balcony as well and is located in a serene environment. Interested people are requested to only call on the cell phone number provided

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