448 S. 3rd street - 3 Bedroom House for Rent In Lafayette, IN | ListingID 3671
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3 Bedroom

3 bdrm / 2 bath
448 S. 3rd street
Lafayette, IN 47905
(i dont really know the square footage, i made it up) 2 miles from Purdue Union. Rent approx $320 ($270+electric) 3 bed, 2bath. pets allowed. (extra costs though) street parking. washer/dryer, dishwasher, fridge, carpeted floors. its a duplex and we would be renting half. backyard, front porch, and back porch shared with neighbors. large fenced in back yard. 2 female roommates, looking for a female, but a male is okay too. we are very laid back and easy to get along with. neither of us smoke. we drink occasionally. we are 19 and 20 years old.

2 miles from Purdue Union. Rent approx $320 ($270+electric) 3 bed, 2bath. pets allowed. (extra costs though) street parking. washer/dryer, dishwasher, fridge, carpeted floors. its a duplex and we would be renting half. backyard, front porch, and back porch shared with neighbors. large fenced in back yard. 2 female roommates, looking for a female, but a male is okay too. we are very laid back and easy to get along with. neither of us smoke. we drink occasionally. we are 19 and 20 years old.

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