124 Knox Drive at 124 Knox Drive - 2 Bedroom House for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 34828
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2 Bedroom

2 bdrm / 1 bath

124 Knox Drive

West Lafayette, IN 47906

I am looking for 3 people to fill to vacant bedrooms in my house. I am asking for $425/month per person plus utilities (i.e. gas, electric, water).

The house is located at 124 Knox Drive in West Lafayette (behind Marsh). It’s a 5 minute drive from campus or near a bus stop (for commuters without a car). There is street and driveway parking. A washer and dryer is in the house. There is a small, fenced in backyard, with a deck and patio area. It’s quite spacious (~2000 square feet), with full, unfinished basement. Some pictures are included below.

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