453 Vine Street at 453 Vine Street - 2 Bedroom2 / 1 Listing House for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 30478
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2 / 1 Listing

2 bdrm / 1 bath

453 Vine Street

West Lafayette, IN 47906
$1,600 (rented)
Remodeled 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment.
less than 2 blocks from Electrical Engineering

Looking for a house on a quiet street close to campus? This house is less than a 10 minute walk from Electrical Engineering! It has multiple units ranging from 8 bed and 3 bath, and 3 kitchens. The house was just remodeled and has parking outside. There is air conditioning, and the kitchens are equipped with a refrigerator, microwave, garbage disposal, and dishwasher. This house is great for you and your friends! Stop on in to talk to us about it!

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