117 Wiggins at 117 Wiggins St - 7 Bedroom House for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 3013
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7 Bedroom

7 bdrm / 3 bath

117 Wiggins

117 Wiggins St
West Lafayette, IN 47906
$4,550 (rented)

Entire house is one lease (3 Apartments in one house). Looking to live with friends close to campus but what your own space with house might work for you. This house will allows 7 to 2 people on the lease. Pricing will change depending on the number of people on the lease.

Now Leasing for 2023-24

Entire house is one lease (3 Apartments in one house). Looking to live with friends close to campus but what your own space with house might work for you. This house will allows 7 to 2 people on the lease. Pricing will change depending on the number of people on the lease.

Now Leasing for 2023-24

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