229 Littleton at 229 Littleton St - Studio / Efficiency Apartment for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 25878
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Studio / Efficiency

229 Littleton

229 Littleton St
West Lafayette, IN 47906
$800 (rented)
A cozy brick apartment complex within walking distance to Purdue University. Laundry facilities on-site. Parking and bicycle racks available. Just a few blocks from Chauncey hill with prime locations for food, textbooks, and a Target Express!

Water, sewage, and trash included!

100% SOLD OUT 2020-2021

100% SOLD OUT 2019-2020

100% SOLD OUT 2018-2019

100% SOLD OUT 2017-2018

100% SOLD OUT 2016-2017

100% SOLD OUT 2015-2016

Text or Call 765-505-4000

The Muinzer Management team has owned, managed and developed properties near Purdue University since 2002.

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