Winfield Farms at 400 Brunswick Drive - 2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent In Lafayette, IN | ListingID 2498
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2 Bedroom

2 bdrm / 2 bath

Winfield Farms

400 Brunswick Drive
Lafayette, IN 47909
2 bedroom/2 bath units available in this newer complex. Visible from 231, this complex is located on the south side of Lafayette just a 5 minute drive from Purdue's campus. Pet friendly. Rent includes sewage, water, and trash expenses. Each unit includes newer appliances such as washer/dryer, microwave, garbage disposal, and dishwasher. Rent starts at $980 and increases depending on floor and building chosen. Call Mayne Homes to receive more information (765)-743-0489

Newer apartment in complex just off 231. A 5 minute drive to Purdue's campus, this apartment includes water, sewage, and trash disposal. Pet friendly. Washer/Dryer in each unit. Garages available for rent.

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