802 1/2 B South 9th Street, Lafayette, IN - 1 Bedroomstudio Listing House for Rent In Lafayette, IN | ListingID 22889
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studio Listing

1 bdrm / 1 bath
802 1/2 B South 9th Street, Lafayette, IN
Lafayette, IN 47905
$535 (rented)

1 bedroom upstairs apartment includes hardwood floors, area carpet, window treatments. It is nicely decorated.  Ideal for grad student(s) or mature person(s) who desire a quiet environment.  No smoking, no loud parties, no big dogs.  $535/month includes HEAT, water and sewage, garbage pickup. 12 month lease.  Available August 15.

One bedroom upstairs apartment in large Victorian house.  Quiet, safe, historic Highland Park is considered a very desirable neighborhood.  On bus line and about 7 minutes from Purdue by car.  The large lawn is nicely landscaped, has big trees, evergreens and is lawn mowing is provided.

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