Copper Beech Townhomes at Madrone Madrone - 2 Bedroom2 Bedroom Listing Townhouse for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 22805
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2 Bedroom Listing

2 bdrm / 3 bath

Copper Beech Townhomes

Madrone Madrone
West Lafayette, IN

We are looking for two people to assume the lease of a 2-story townhome starting on Aug, 2014 to Aug, 2015 (renewable or extendable).

- $407/month per bedroom ($814 total split by two roomates)

-An initial fee has to be paid prior to moving ($225) plus application fee when signing ($30 per person)

-Re-decorating fee and security deposit paid ($600)

-2 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom (one for each bedroom and one for visits in the 1 floor)
-All rooms fully furnished
-Spacious bedrooms, kitchen and living room
-Large walk-in closet
-Washer and dryer in the unit; dish washer.
-Parking right in front of the unit/ visitor parking right beside the unit
-Private shuttle to campus every 50 min and CityBus stop at 3-5 min walking distance.
- All utilities included, except electricity (free internet and TV cable! Electric bill split among 2 roommates, around $40 (summer) and $90-100 (winter) per month per person.
-Pets are allowed ($30 fee).

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