Walden Pond at 1457 E. Pond Drive (Walden Pond) - 2 BedroomWP Listing Apartment for Rent In Okemos, MI | ListingID 20002
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WP Listing

2 bdrm / 2 bath

Walden Pond

1457 E. Pond Drive (Walden Pond)
Okemos, MI 48864
Patio walkout in master bedroom and living room. Newer washer/dryer. Additional storage room off patio. Carport/mailbox close to unit. 1 set of stairs to unit. New carpet in most areas.

Available June 1, 2015. Pleasant community, lots of green space, walking trail. Walk to grocery.
Most units are privately owned, some rentals by private owners.
MSU - on bus line (W. Grand River) Okemos schools

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