277 Littleton Street - 2 BedroomApt A Listing House for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 19502
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Apt A Listing

2 bdrm / 1 bath
277 Littleton Street
West Lafayette, IN 47906
$600 per bedroom (rented)
This is a 2 bedroom unit that features 2 large bedrooms, a recently remodeled bathroom and kitchen in July 2016. Large living room, stove, refrigerator, updated electrical and furnace, central air, front porch, off street parking, garage available for rent. Lawn service and snow removal included. Please call Erik @ 765-404-0363.

This is a multi-unit house that could be rented out to a group of 6!!! It consists of two 2 bedroom units and two one bedroom units. That were remodeled in August of 2014!!
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