Mayfair Village at 2450 Sycamore Lane - 1 Bedroom2 / 1 Listing Apartment for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 18432
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2 / 1 Listing

1 (out of 2) bdrm / 1 bath

Mayfair Village

2450 Sycamore Lane
West Lafayette, IN 47906
A two Bedroom Apartment with shared kitchen, living room, and bathroom. The rent is 287.5 per month (per person) excluding utilities. utilities normally average about $70 person (includes water, electricity, internet, and gas). The complex includes a parking lot, swimming pool and on-site laundry place.

The place is furnished for the most parts (two coaches for the living room, kitchen dishes, and bed frame). You will have to find your own mattress.

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