Hislope Management at 333 West Stadium Avenue - Studio / Efficiency House for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 18411
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Studio / Efficiency

Hislope Management

333 West Stadium Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47906

4 bedrooms

1 kitchen

2 Bathrooms-One in main area and one in basement

Basement includes: Bathroom with toilet and shower.  Washer and Dryer free of cost

Four bedroom apartment with one bathroom, living room, and kitchen. Additionally, basement with washer/dryer free of cost and a bathroom as well.  Rent is $455.00 per month and utilities include electricity, gas, water, Internet, and waste treatment averaging out to $50-70 per month for each person.  If you are interested or have questions please ca Hislope Management at (765) 742 8200,
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