Cochran Apartments at 202 South River Road - 1 Bedroom2 / 1 Listing Apartment for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 18315
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2 / 1 Listing

1 (out of 2) bdrm / 1 bath

Cochran Apartments

202 South River Road
West Lafayette, IN 47906

per bedroom
Mostly carpeted interior, excluding kitchen floor. Some basic furnishings available (more information on website: Two separate bedrooms, with one already occupied with very kind female roommate, who owns an adorable kitten. Searching for female roommate as well. Offer will not be able to last long due to time!

Nice and clean apartment close to Purdue University. All utilities (water, sewage, trash, electricity, cable, and internet) included with rent, so no additional charges.

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