3104 Kilbourne Court - 2 BedroomSingle Level Duplex for Rent In Lafayette, IN | ListingID 17957
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Single Level

2 bdrm / 2 bath
3104 Kilbourne Court
Lafayette, IN 47909
The duplex has 1380 square feet, two bedrooms with walk-in closets, two bathrooms, a gas fireplace, great room and kitchen.  The kitchen appliances include: a new refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal, oven and microwave. Included is a washer and dryer.  There is a garage with storage racks all around and a large yard on a corner lot. 

The property is near Highway 25 and the new 231 by-pass.  Travel time to Purdue is only about 8 minutes.  A Payless Grocery store is 3 minutes away.
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