2620 Margesson Crossing - 1 Bedroom House for Rent In Lafayette, IN | ListingID 17651
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1 Bedroom

1 (out of 3) bdrm / 3 bath
2620 Margesson Crossing
Lafayette, IN 47909

Hey if anyone is looking for a place to live from - (somewhat flexible) I have a great place for a grad student or someone who doesn't mind being off campus.

-My roommate and I are both grad students and we are looking for someone to fill the 3rd bedroom
-House has 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, and attached 2 car garage.
-House is new, spacious, and in a great neighborhood, 10 min drive from campus (in Lafayette)
-Rent is $350/mo and we all split utilities ($75-100/mo each). Utilities include gas, electric, water, trash, cable tv and internet (comcast).
-Well trained pets welcome

Let me know if you want to see pictures, more info, or to come check it out. We both work a lot but love to get outside and have fun and are looking forward to getting a new roommate!


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