Copper Beech Townhomes at 2775 Greyleaf Dr. - 1 Bedroom3 Bedroom Full Townhouse for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 17244
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3 Bedroom Full

1 (out of 3) bdrm / 4 bath

Copper Beech Townhomes

2775 Greyleaf Dr.
West Lafayette, IN 47906

per bedroom
With 1900 sq. ft. of space and a large outdoor deck, this unit has plenty of space for relaxing and studying between classes. New roommate would have their own fully furnished room and full bath. There is a fairly unused second living room in the downstairs area that would be free to make into a second personalized living-room/man cave/etc. for hangouts.

Copper Beech Townhomes are located just off of IN-52, in a quiet area of West Lafayette. With its own bus, plus its location on the 4B bus route, it is easy to commute to and from campus every day without a car for free. Thursday-Saturday nights, there is also a bus that goes directly to/from Chauncey for sober rides to and from campus/bars.

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