321 Lawn Ave - 3 Bedroom3 Bedroom / 1 Bathroom House for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 1673
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3 Bedroom / 1 Bathroom

3 bdrm / 1 bath
321 Lawn Ave
West Lafayette, IN 47906
$1,260 (rented)
The kitchen is equipped with a refrigerator, stove/oven and microwave. There is an unfinished basement where the washer/dryer can be found.

Two smaller bedrooms located near the front of the house and a master/large bedroom in the back. Some wood flooring.

Located 3 blocks from campus near the intersection of Lawn and Grant. 3 Bedroom and 1 bathroom house.

New washer/dryer, windows, and storm windows being installed!

Tenants are responsible for all utilities.

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