Campus Suites On The Lake at 3800 Campus Suites Blvd - 1 Bedroom4 / 4 Listing Apartment for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 15192
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4 / 4 Listing

1 (out of 4) bdrm / 4 bath

Campus Suites On The Lake

3800 Campus Suites Blvd
West Lafayette, IN 47906

This listing is for a sublease for a bedroom in a 4 bed/4 bath apartment at Campus Suites. You can go to campus for information about the complex. Also,I believe all security deposits have been made and I will offer a $500 sign on bonus. I can't stay here anymore because I will not be going to Purdue this year. Please call or text me at 317-709-7778
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