1000 Sarasota Dr - 1 Bedroom House for Rent In Lafayette, IN | ListingID 15183
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1 Bedroom

1 (out of 2) bdrm / 1 bath
1000 Sarasota Dr
Lafayette, IN 47909

Extremely Clean, 2 Bedroom house located 4 miles from Purdue in a quiet, residential neighborhood.  I am a male graduate student in the chemistry department.  I am looking for a roommate (preferably a graduate student, male or female) to share the house with.  

It is available to move into on August 8th.  I am asking $500 per month which includes all utilities and internet (cable is extra), with a $250 refundable security deposit.  

2 floors, 800 sq ft each.  The house includes all the typical appliances, plus laundry.  There is a small driveway, large enough for 2 cars.  

If interested or if you have any questions, please email me at [email protected], or call me at 585-857-2209.


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