Prime Campus Housing at 215 Foweler Ave - 1 Bedroom Apartment for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 14890
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1 Bedroom

1 (out of 4) bdrm / 2 bath

Prime Campus Housing

215 Foweler Ave
West Lafayette, IN 47906

per bedroom
This is a very nice apartment and unfortunately I will not be able to attend Purdue University for this year due to changing my major.  I am friends with the three other roommates (guys) and they are extremely nice and open to making friends with another person.  This apartment is a three-minute walk from campus and is about three-minutes to Chauncey.  The replacement for me can take over my spot on the lease entirely so there will be no added sublease costs.

This is a very nice apartment and unfortunately I will not be able to attend Purdue University for this year due to changing my major.  I am friends with the three other roommates (guys) and they are extremely nice and open to making friends with another person.  This apartment is a three-minute walk from campus and is about three-minutes to Chauncey.  The replacement for me can take over my spot on the lease entirely so there will be no added sublease costs.

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