2916 Horizon Dr - 2 Bedroom2 / 2 Listing Apartment for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 14838
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2 / 2 Listing

2 bdrm / 2 bath
2916 Horizon Dr
West Lafayette, IN 47906
$338 / 2br - 1010ft² - 2 bed/2 bath

Very nice, new 2 bed/2 bath apartment with a spacious kitchen, oven, microwave, refrigerator, vaulted ceiling with skylight.

It is on Horizon Drive off of Klondike Road. It is about a 10 minute drive from Purdue's Campus.

We are looking for 2 people to rent at $338 per month (or one renter willing to pay $676 per month) beginning August 2012 and ending August 2013.

$338 / 2br - 1010ft² - 2 bed/2 bath

Very nice, new 2 bed/2 bath apartment with a spacious kitchen, oven, microwave, refrigerator, vaulted ceiling with skylight.

It is on Horizon Drive off of Klondike Road. It is about a 10 minute drive from Purdue's Campus.

We are looking for 2 people to sublease at $338 per month (or one person to sublease willing to pay $676 per month) beginning August 2012 and ending August 2013.

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