3200 E. Morgan Rd. - 1 Bedroom1 / 2 Listing House for Rent In Ann Arbor, MI | ListingID 14797
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1 / 2 Listing

1 bdrm / 2 bath
3200 E. Morgan Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
individual lease rent:

Extra large room-14' x 22' . Share 1560 sqft house in a relaxed atmosphere with just 1 other person so there is a lot of privacy. Very nice, well lit & comfortable house that sits on 2 acres on a private drive. City Water/Sewer,Washer/Dryer/A.C./Dishwasher/Cable/Internet- I take care of house & lawn so there are no real household chores. Close to Lillie parks. Just a really nice place to live. Looking for an easy going and mature person who is a very light or non-drinker. Avail 6/15  Utilities/Cable TV/Internet
Morgan Rd. at Platt

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