1 / 1 Listing

1 bdrm / 1 bath

120 Asher Street Apt 1

120-1 Asher St
Lafayette, IN 47905
3-unit apartment building, 3 1-bedroom apartments, each unit with kitchen, livingroom, one bedroom and full bath, FREE washer/dryer, off-street parking, one half block from city bus to campus.

1-bedroom apt. for rent, open porch, ground level, large livingroom, small eat-in kitchen, FREE washer/dryer, off-street parking, city bus route, private entrance.  Tenants pay gas and electric. Landlord pays water, sewage, and trash pickup. Pet friendly. 

$425/mo. $425 Security Deposit due upon signing lease.

Available August 1, 2013 - July 30, 2014

   Don Connelly
   Cell:  765-412-4281
   Office:  765-589-8118
