Willowbrook West Apartments at 2353 Willowbrook Cir - 1 Bedroom4 / 2 Listing Apartment for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 13898
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4 / 2 Listing

1 (out of 4) bdrm / 2 bath

Willowbrook West Apartments

2353 Willowbrook Cir
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Its a 4 bed/ 2 bath apartment. It is furnished and has a washer/ dryer in the apartment. It is 269 a month plus electric. Everything else is included!

It's a one bedroom in a 4 bed, 2 bath apartment at Willowbrook West Apartments. It is a 5 min drive to campus and the 4b stops in front of the apartment complex. Willowbrook also has their own shuttle!

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