Crestview III at 425 S River Rd - Studio / Efficiency Apartment for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 13589
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Studio / Efficiency

Crestview III

425 S River Rd
West Lafayette, IN 47906
$435 (rented)

At the Crestview III location, this particular unit, called the "Sleeping Room" is perfect for those days of studying; furnished with a twin bed, a built in desk, kitchen area with stove/oven, microwave, and refrigerator.

Large 420sq ft. studio with walk-in closet. Furnished with full-size bed, table and chairs and fully equipment kitchen. Private off the street parking and central laundry facility on site. It is a 13 minute walk to the Purdue Memorial Union and it's on the Trolley Loop. Call the leasing office at 765-743-1881 to see the apartment today!

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