Timber Edge Estates at 100 Timber Trail Dr - 1 Bedroom Apartment for Rent In Lafayette, IN | ListingID 13432
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1 Bedroom

1 bdrm / 1 bath

Timber Edge Estates

100 Timber Trail Dr
Lafayette, IN 47905
You come into a large open living area which can be split into a living room and dining room.  Each apartment has a patio or balacony.  You can look through your dining area to your kitchen at the breakfast bar.  In the kitchen is included a stove, fridge, dishwasher, disposal, and microwave.  You'll find it hard to run out of space in here with the ample cupboards, drawers, and pantry.  The bedroom is 15 x 11. You have a total of 6 closets in the apartment in an exterior storage unit in the laundry area in your building. We pay water, sewage, and trash.  You are responsible for electric.  There is no gas.

Quiet community located on the edge of Lafayette.  The conveniences of city living with the pleasure of a country setting.  Not your normal apartment experience.
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