2114 McCormick Rd - 4 Bedroom4 / 4 Listing Apartment for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 13075
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4 / 4 Listing

4 bdrm / 4 bath
2114 McCormick Rd
West Lafayette, IN 47906
individual lease rent:
$399 per bedroom
This a lease takeover of a room within a four-bedroom apartment. You will have three male roommates. The room comes furnished with a bed and dresser. It has two outside windows. There is a large closet. Each bedroom has its own attached bathroom with a sink/vanity area and a shower/tub. Comes with free internet and cable!!! Area amenities include beach house with large swimming pool, exercise room, free tanning, and free parking for residents (guest parking lot available).

A sublease may be a possibility if you are interested in the unit. If so, please contact me via email to discuss terms for the sublease.

Clubhouse with a large outdoor swimming pool, free tanning, and exercise center. Apartment location is within 50 yards of the clubhouse. Illuminated parking lot at night.

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