Lark West Lafayette at 2082 Malibu Dr - 1 Bedroom Sublease In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 77279
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1 Bedroom Sublease

1 (out of 4) bdrm / 4 bath

Lark West Lafayette

2082 Malibu Dr
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Available 12/31/2024 - 7/31/2025.
Tenant should be male.
All existing tenants are male.
spring semester and summer or just summer or just spring

This is a 4 bedroom apartment
modern and has 4 male students whom are juniors at Purdue
the sublet room has its own bathroom it is furnished.
The room mates are simple and the living /space is clean and has a TV in it.
The community is a nice one and close to store
There is one car space
Pls text me with questions
317 618-6505

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