Ivy Towns& Flats at 3027 Belfry Ln - 2 Bedroom Sublease In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 77083
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2 Bedroom Sublease

2 bdrm / 2 bath

Ivy Towns& Flats

3027 Belfry Ln
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Available 3/1/2024 - 9/7/2024.
Tenant should be female.
All existing tenants are female.
$830 per bedroom
👥🏡 I want to give my lease over to someone who wants to move into a shared apartment with one female roommate. The room comes with a bed, a spacious walkable closet and your own bathroom. The living room and kitchen are shared and you have a beautiful balcony. Also, there is laundry within the unit, which is super comfortable. 🏘️🌳 You will live in the Ivy Towns&Flats, a newly built, very safe and calm area. In walking distance there is celery bog, which is a natural area perfectly made for walks or sports. Amenities include a pool and a gym as well as a community area including a basketball hall. 📩 Feel free to reach out for further questions or a room tour!

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