Sublease at 2101 Cumberland Ave - 1 Bedroom Sublease In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 77054
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1 Bedroom Sublease

1 (out of 3) bdrm / 3 bath


2101 Cumberland Ave
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Available 12/25/2023 - 7/25/2024.
Tenant should be male.
All existing tenants are male.
I am looking for someone to sublease my room at Lodge on the Trail for the Spring Semester. Male only, preferably student. Room is to the left of the patio. First floor of a building in a quiet corner of the complex. Rent is $842 per month, and utilities average about $50. It is a very nice, furnished apartment with 2 great, respectful roommates. Features include: Fully Furnished Private Bathroom In-Unit Laundry Parking-Pass Approved Easy Bus Access Pool, Tennis, Volleyball, Gym, Game Room Amenities Please reach out or comment with any questions. DM if interested!

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