Rise On Chauncey at 100 S Chauncey Ave - 4 Bedroom Sublease In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 77045
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4 Bedroom Sublease

4 bdrm / 1 bath

Rise On Chauncey

100 S Chauncey Ave
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Available 1/1/2024 - 8/1/2024.
Tenant should be female.
All existing tenants are female.
I am currently subleasing my bedroom for the Spring of 2024. It is a 4x4 apartment at Rise On Chauncey that includes a washer and dryer, a kitchen with an island, a living room with cable included, a bedroom with a desk, and a private bathroom! The building also includes two rooftops, one with a pool and another with a ping pong table and a grill to cook with your friends! There’s also a gym on the second floor and many study rooms to do homework.

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