4 Eleven Lofts Ann Arbor, MI
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4 Eleven Lofts

send message (734) 998-4400 (TEL) www.4elevenlofts.com
hours: M-F 10am-8pm, Sat-Sun Noon-5pm
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leasing office address:
400 E. Washington
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Design, comfort, and style have a new address. 4 Eleven Lofts is modern living, your way, and it's brand new for 2009. www.4elevenlofts.com Walk in to 4 Eleven Lofts and step out of the everyday. Airy spaces, stylish colors, and luxurious amenities provide true city living, just two blocks from both the University of Michigan Central Campus and the heart of downtown Ann Arbor.